#MeetTheExpert: Interview to Teresa Puig as XRE4S energy expert

The R+D+I Network Energy for Society, XRE4S, has launched a series of videos interviewing the XRE4S Director (Manel Sanmartí) and the principal investigator/expert in energy of each of the 35 groups integrating the XRE4S. Today, the floor goes to Teresa Puig to showcase the expertice on high temperature superconductors #FEDERrecerca

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Welcome to Aiswarya Kethamkuzhi!

Aiswarya is a new PhD student that has just started her thesis work at the group, under the direction of Teresa Puig and Joffre Gutiérrez, related to physical properties of nanostructured HTS films grown with TLAG-CSD process.

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Welcome to Neil Lamas!

Neil is a new PhD student that has just started his thesis work at the group, under the direction of Teresa Puig, Xavier Granados and Joffre Gutiérrez, related to high energy applications of HTS coated conductors .

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“The Lab2Market XRE4S program is a great opportunity to bring our technology to the market”

PRESS RELEASE: A total of eight research groups from different research centers and universities, including us among them, participate in the first edition of the Lab to Market (L2M) program, an initiative promoted by the R+D+i Energy for Society Network (XRE4S) with the aim of helping participants to identify technologies that have potential for commercialization.

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Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371 