“The Lab2Market XRE4S program is a great opportunity to bring our technology to the market”

PRESS RELEASE: A total of eight research groups from different research centers and universities, including us among them, participate in the first edition of the Lab to Market (L2M) program, an initiative promoted by the R+D+i Energy for Society Network (XRE4S) with the aim of helping participants to identify technologies that have potential for commercialization.

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How do superconducting coated conductors respond to the extreme temperature, frequency and magnetic field conditions of the CERN Future Circular Collider?

A new publication in Scientific Reports by researchers of the Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructures (SUMAN) group at the ICMAB-CSIC, the ALBA Synchrotron, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and CERN, has studied the surface resistance and vortex properties of seven superconducting coated conductors at microwave frequencies, high magnetic fields and low temperatures (mimicking the expected conditions of the Future Circular Collider at CERN) to study how they respond.

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Superconductor Week talks with Teresa Puig about new improved growth process for YBCO epitaxial films

Teresa Puig appears on the 34th volume of Superconductor Week, a monthly newsletter dedicated to bringing news and analysis about superconductivity to all related parties, from scientists to investors in the industry. Their latest issue covers the breakthrough achieved by the Superconducting Materials Research Group (SUMAN) in the field of growth of YBCO epitaxial films, which was already covered in Nature Communications 11, 334 (2020).

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Teresa Puig in “Hablando con Científicos” radio programme talking about her new ERC PoC on superconductors

Teresa Puig was interviewed in the digital radio programme “Hablando con Científicos” by Ángel Rodríguez Lozano, to talk about superconducting materials and her recent ERC Proof of Concept Grant on the scale-up production of high-temperature superconducting tapes.

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Teresa Puig receives one ERC Proof of Concept Grant for enabling high-temperature superconducting technologies

Teresa Puig is among the awardees for a project to scale-up a new manufacturing process of high-temperature superconductors. The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded top-funding totalling 9.3 M€ to 62 ERC grant holders via its Proof of Concept Grants. They are meant to explore the commercial or societal potential of their research.

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Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371 