Author: Mar Tristany

Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−x nanocomposite films and coated conductors from BaMO3 (M = Zr, Hf) colloidal solutions

X. Obradors, T. Puig, Z. Li, C. Pop, B. Mundet, N. Chamorro, F. Vallés, M. Coll, S. Ricart, B. Vallejo, F. Pino, A. Palau, J. Gázquez, J. Ros and A. Usoskin, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 2018 044001


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8 febrer 2018: Susagna Ricart als “Diàlegs Filosòfics al Baix”

El passat 8 de febrer, la nostra investigadora, Susagna Ricart, va ser convidada per la publicació comarcal El Llobregat per participar en una nova edició de “Diàlegs Filosòfics al Baix”, en aquest cas, amb l’ètica i la naturalesa com a protagonistes.

Susagna va fer una excel·lent exposició de les possibilitats i oportunitats que representa la tecnologia, fonamentalment, a partir de l’impuls de la nanotecnologia: “A partir d’àtoms i molècules, bàsicament, les agrupem per obtenir materials, dispositius i, fins i tot, màquines que tenen noves aplicacions i propietats”.

També va explicar que treballen en dimensions inferiors als virus o els anticossos, un segment que ha permès impulsar, per exemple, la denominada superconducció: “Fa 100 anys, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes va descobrir que a temperatures molt baixes s’aconsegueix una superconducció perquè els àtoms, no se sap per què, s’agrupen en parells i no xoquen, el que fa que no es desprengui energia i, per tant, la conducció és més efectiva”.

Ja a finals del segle XX, aquest camp va millorar a partir d’aconseguir aquesta conducció a partir de temperatures molt més altes, el que permet refredar el material només amb nitrogen, molt abundant a l’atmosfera. Aquest fenomen ha impulsat, per exemple, aplicacions com ‘efecte meissner’ –atracció magnètica molt potent- o la ressonància magnètica, considerada la segona gran revolució després dels Raigs ‘X’.

Segons Ricart, doncs, aquest camp té molta projecció i usos tant en el camp de la medicina, l’energia i la tecnologia. I, en el fons, té molt a veure amb els processos naturals, perquè, tal i com ha explicat, la natura està plena de processos nanotecnològics tant a les espècies animals com vegetals. Identificar-los pot derivar en grans oportunitats per l’ésser humà.


SUMAN group will participate in the next edition of “Dissabtes de la Física” at UAB

Starting on 3 February, 2018, and during 5 consecutive Saturdays, the Faculty of Sciences of the UAB will host the XVIII Edition of the “Dissabtes de la Física” (Saturdays of Physics). An initiative of the Department of Physics, whose main objective is to bring physics and science to pre-university young students, and motivate them to know the world that surrounds us in a rigorous and, at the same time, comprehensible way.

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Welcome to Max Sieger, our new postdoc!



My name is Max and I am a material scientist from Dresden, Germany. I will continue my work on superconducting tapes as PostDoc in the ULTRASUPERTAPE project under the supervision of Prof. Teresa Puig and I look forward to learn from and collaborate with you!

Also I like sports (running, riding bike and Judo) and travelling sunny countries ;)


You can find him at 1.32 office, next to Mariona Coll!

Sant Feliu G., 12-14 MAR: COST TO-BE Spring Meeting “Towards Oxide Electronics” co-organized by Mariona Coll

The COST TO-BE Spring Meeting 2018 will be co-organized by our researcher Mariona Coll (ICMAB)  and will be held in Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu, Spain 12-14th March 2018. The meeting, which will be the last one of the series organised by the TO-BE consortium, will be the stage for the presentation of the contents of the Roadmap “Towards oxide electronics” prepared within the context of TO-BE Cost Action. 

The different contributions to the Roadmap will be presented by the corresponding authors. The meeting will also offer the opportunity to present latest results by attendants on the general topics of “Fundamental Understanding: Theory and Experiments”, “Oxides Growth and Fabrication Methods”, “Oxides Applications”.

Participation at the meeting is free of charge and is open to scientists, both from the public research sector and from the private sector. Support for travel and subsistence will be offered to a limited numbers of participants. Requests for support should be made before the deadline, together with the abstract submission.

Register here and submit your abstract before January 1, 2018!

Right after this TO-BE Spring Meeting, Mariona Coll (ICMAB) co-organizes at the same venue the “Technologies for Oxide Electronics School 2018”, on 15-17th March 2018, to discuss about potentialities, needs and bottlenecks of oxide electronics and the new opportunities that they offer in many emergent fields. 

Important dates: 

  • 03-02-2018: DEADLINE FOR HOTEL BOOKING (*)
  • (*) Attendance limited to 120 max. First registered first served.

More information in the COST TO-BE website:

Bellaterra, 1-2 MAR 2018: 2nd workshop of the HERALD network on Atomic Layer Deposition (co-organized by M. Coll and J. Gazquez)

HERLALD  (Hooking together European Research in Atomic Layer Deposition), a COST Action that aims to structure and integrate European research activity in ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition), organizes the 2nd HERALD.ECI Workshop with hands-on training for “bonding HERALD.ECIs from ideas to proposals”, which will be held at ICMAB on 1-2 March 2018

Deadline for registration: 15 February 2018


So far, over a 150 researchers from academia and industry are taking part in HERALD and we welcome new members. If you would like to take part, please sign up here.

Within HERALD, the ECI (Early Career Investigator) network aims to promote the next generation of young ALD scientists and help to establish themselves as research leaders in the ALD community. If you want to become a member of the HERALD.ECI network, please contact the ECI committee at and join our HERALD.ECI group on LinkedIn. Broadening out the COST definition of ECI, we welcome investigators from within a year of submitting their PhD dissertation to PhD +10 years. 

About the HERALD workshop

The main objective of this 2nd HERALD.ECI Workshop with hands-on training is to create an ignition point for competitive proposals resulting in joint, EU-funded research projects under ECI (early career investigator) participation or leadership.

We want the trainees to:

  • gain advanced ‘theoretical’ knowledge input on how to write competitive proposals & manage EU-funded projects from an EU funding expert & Horizon 2020 coach through an impulse talk plus interactive proposal clinics.
  • find excellent, perfectly matching collaboration/ project partners during a welcome mixer.
  • exchange experiences with an excellent (female) ALD expert and with an industry partner.
  • transfer the newly gained knowledge into advanced ‘practical’ skills by
    developing joint proposal ideas,
    transitioning specific ideas into concrete proposal drafts, and
    starting to write
    together in smaller, matched collaboration/ project groups.
  • go home with a raw outline and concrete idea description, i. e. the first step of an actual proposal.

icmab herald

Organizing Committee

The 2nd HERALD.ECI Workshop is organized by researchers from ICMAB, Ruhr-University Bochum and Technische Universität Dresden:


The online registration is now open until February 15, 2018. Click here for more information. 

December 18th: OXOLUTIA’s new location inauguration + SUMAN’s Christmas lunch

Yesterday, SUMAN group inaugurate OXOLUTIA’s new industrial site at Barberà del Vallès.

The group enjoyed the lab tour carried out by Roxana Vland and the CEO (Albert Calleja)’s talk entitled  “From lab to fab: the OXOLUTIA case”. The people was very participative and put a lot of questions!

After the visit, we celebrated the traditional SUMAN’s Christmas lunch. 

December 13th-15th: Prof. Teresa Puig and Alex Stangl at ISS17

Last week, Prof. Teresa Puig and our PhD student, Alexander Stangl, attended to the 30th International Symposium on Superconductivity held at IINO HALL&CONFERENCE CENTER in Tokyo, Japan on December 13-1.

Prof. Teresa Puig presented an invited lecture entitled: “Progress in low cost chemical solution Nanocomposite YBa2Cu3O7-x coated conductors” and Alexander Stanl an oral presentation entitled: “Study of oxygen exchange kinetics of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films to achieve high carrier concentration”


Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371