Author: Mar Tristany

Research Award L’Oréal-Unesco FWIS 2017 for Mariona Coll and her project on new materials for photovoltaics

Our researcher, Dr. Mariona Coll, has been awarded with the Research Award L’Oréal-Unesco “For Women in Science” 2017. The awards ceremony took place this last Wednesday, 22 November, in Madrid. Mariona will receive 15.000 € that will be invested in her research project which “can contribute to one of the most important challenges of this century: find a new energy system for the production of clean energy”. 

Mariona Coll, and her research project on the development of new materials for the conversion of solar energy, carried out at SUMAN-ICMAB, has been awarded with one of the five Research Awards L’Oréal-Unesco “For Women in Science”. Mariona studied Chemistry at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and did her PhD in Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and SUMAN-ICMAB, on the development of superconducting materials. She then was a postdoc in USA (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Maryland) and in Europe (IFWDresden, University of Hamburg, ICMS-CSIC), before coming back to SUMAN-ICMAB.

At SUMAN-ICMAB, Mariona is currently researching new materials capable of converting the solar light into electrical energy in a more efficient way than the current materials used nowadays in solar cells (mainly crystalline silicon), by combining nanotechnology with low cost chemistry-based methods.

The awards ceremony was built upon the question “How can we make that young girls fall in love with STEM?”, since the “For Women in Science” program has been for 17 years working on enhancing the visibility of women in science, and this year was specially focused in STEM: its goal is to reach the 50 % women in the STEM university studies (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

RESEARCH AWARDS For Women in Science 2017:

The full list of this year’s Research Awards is the following: 

  • Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Mariona Coll.
  • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Eva Mª Fernández.
  • Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Maia Garcia Vergniory.
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Mª del Prado Martín Moruno.
  • Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, CSIC-Universidad de Valencia), Mariam Tórtola.

In the press:

Congratulations Joffre!

Dr. Joffre Gutierrez has recently obtained a mobility grant Jose Castillejo for young researchers from the Spanish Ministerio de educacion, cultura y deporte. Thanks to this grant, Dr. Gutierrez will work for six months with Prof. Xiaolin Wang at the Institute for superconducting and electronic materials at the University of Wollongong (Australia). There, he will perform a study of the vortex pinning of REBa2Cu3O7-x films and tapes at magnetic fields up to 14T and under high hydrostatic pressure (1.5 GPa) with the aim to identify the best microstructure for the working conditions found at the future circular collider at CERN

23th – 31st October: External laboratory stay at the LNCMI in Grenoble

Engaging one of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL), two members of the SUMAN group, Dr. Joffre Gutierrez and the PhD student Artur Romanov, departed for a week to the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI) in Grenoble.

The provided 36 T magnetic fields at LNCMI allow research at conditions usually not available at scientific facilities. With this stay, our group achieved first step stones towards the goal to link transport measurements with vortex dynamics of both commercially available tapes and ICMAB grown thin films at extreme conditions.

Piezo-generated charge mapping revealed through direct piezoelectric force microscopy

Piezo-generated charge mapping revealed through direct piezoelectric force microscopy

A. GomezM. GichA. Carretero-GenevrierT. Puig & X. Obradors Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1113 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01361-2 

While piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials play a key role in many everyday applications, there are still a number of open questions related to their physics. To enhance our understanding of piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, nanoscale characterization is essential. Here, we develop an atomic force microscopy based mode that obtains a direct quantitative analysis of the piezoelectric coefficient d33. We report nanoscale images of piezogenerated charge in a thick single crystal of periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN), a bismuth ferrite (BiFO3) thin film, and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) by applying a force and recording the current produced by these materials. The quantification of d33coefficients for PPLN (14 ± 3 pC per N) and BFO (43 ± 6 pC per N) is in agreement with the values reported in the literature. Even stronger evidence of the reliability of the method is provided by an equally accurate measurement of the significantly larger d33 of PZT.

Els físics Xavier Obradors i Ignasi Ribas inauguraren el curs dels 90 anys del Lluís de Peguera


Els físics manresans Xavier Obradors i Ignasi Ribas, de reconegut prestigi internacional, han ofert una inauguració del curs escolar 2017-2018 de màxima alçada en la celebració dels 90 anys de l’Institut Lluís de Peguera de Manresa.

Un diàleg entre Obradors i Ribas que s’ha presentat sota el títol Diàleg entre dos físics; de la nanociència a l’espai, ha sigut el cos central d’un esdeveniment que s’ha celebrat a la magna sala d’actes de l’institut, a partir de les vuit del vespre.

Ex alumnes de l’institut

Tant Xavier Obradors com Ignasi Ribas són ex alumnes de l’institut Lluís de Peguera. Els seu currículum és extens i espectacular. Obradors, reconegut amb diferents premis internacionals, és doctor Honoris Causa per la universitat romanesa de Pitesti i autor de diferents llibres i articles en les revistes més prestigioses de física. Per la seva banda Ribas, director de l’Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, entre els seus nombrosos mèrits, ha estat el primer en detectar aigua en un exoplaneta gegant.

El diàleg entre els dos físics ens ha permès que ens puguem acostar a un món real, que el tenim a tocar i que, en realitat, forma part del nostre dia a dia.

Acte obert a tot el públic

L’acte ha sigut obert a tot el públic que ho desitgés i ha comptat també amb l’execució de petites peces musicals i l’homenatge a persones de més de 90 anys que han tingut relació amb l’institut Lluís de Peguera.

Del passat al futur

El curs 2017/2018 és el de la celebració dels 90 anys de l’Institut Lluís de Peguera, un dels primers  que es va crear en una ciutat catalana que no fos capital de província.

Per celebrar una efemèride com aquesta, s’ha creat un programa d’actes amb activitats que s’allargaran durant tot el curs.

El programa ha estat elaborat per una comissió formada per professorat, famílies, alumnes i exalumnes que porten gairebé dos anys preparant les activitats.

Amb el lema Passat, present i futur es vol explicitar l’extraordinari bagatge que representa una rica història per tal de celebrar el present aniversari que,  alhora, ha de servir com a impuls definitiu cap als nous reptes educatius que planteja la societat actual i als quals  s’aferra el Peguera, fins i tot de forma pionera.


FASTGRID project meeting – technical exchange hosted by ICMAB-CSIC

During the 19 and 20th October, the FASTGRID consortium has celebrated its 3rd Project Meeting – Technical Exchange in Bellaterra at Spain in UAB Hotel Campus. The meeting was co-organized by KIT and ICMAB-CSIC and the presentations of the partners were organized by work packages.

From ICMAB: Xavier Obradors (WP1 leader) made a summary of the progress of WP1 and Cornelia Pop and Pedro Barusco made presentations about their last results obtained in the framework of the H2020 project.

During the meeting a Labtour visit of ICMAB was organized

The project meeting was very well received and appreciated by all the consortium members. In total, 12 research institutions, universitites and industry partners participated in the 2 day meeting with 40 members in all. Contributions from each project partner were presented followed by lengthy discussion sessions. Parallel work package sessions, one on materials and one on devices, were held on the second day for effective collaborations between partners involved from all across europe to coordinate their research work. This project meeting brings us closer to enabling stronger technological exchange between the partners to make the achievement of advanced HTS REBCO tapes and HVFCLs a reality of the foreseeable future.

Thank you to all the partners who made this event a success!


The COST Action “NANOSCALE COHERENT HYBRID DEVICES FOR SUPERCONDUCTING QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES” has been recently awarded. The Action includes 45 proponents from 18 countries. The Action will develop networking activities with an open, proactive and inclusive approach, managing a budget of about 0.5M€ for four years. Researchers from every participating country will be able to apply for funds to carry out short scientific missions or participate in other networking activities within the theme of the Action, regardless of the group or institution where they develop their main activity.

Prof. Teresa Puig has been selected  as a Managment Committee (MC) Member and Dr. Anna Palau as a substitute.

MC members will meet on the 18th October in Brussels to kick-off the project. 

COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. The Action is one of the 35 Actions approved by the Committee of Senior Officials on 23 June 2017.

Superconducting technologies are prime candidates to ripen quantum effects into devices and applications. The accumulated knowledge in decades of work in understanding superconductivity allows scientists now to make experiments by design, controlling relevant parameters in devices. A new field is emerging whose final objective is to improve appliances taking advantage of quantum effects, be it for dissipationless transport of current, generation of high magnetic fields, sensors or quantum information. The field will impact crucial areas for societal development, including energy, transport, medicine or computation. Quantum behavior is controlled by using hybrids of superconductors with magnets, insulators, semiconductors or normal metals. Traditionally, the scientific and technical communities working in superconductivity are spread across projects from different calls, whose activities put Europe at the frontier of research. The Action aims to address the pressing need for a common place to share knowledge and infrastructure and develop new cooperative projects.

The first granting period of the Action will start 1st November 2017 until 30 th April 2018.


 more information


Congratulations Laia! Award for the best young researchers presentation at EUCAS 2017 in section “Materials”

On September 21th, our PhD student Laia Soler received the Award for the best young researcher researchers presentation at EUCAS 2017 in section “Materials” for her oral presentation entitled

Mechanisms of novel transient liquid assisted growth for ultrafast production of YBa₂Cu₃O7-x thin films


We want to thank also to all SUMAN participants for their successful oral and poster comunications!

17-22th September: SUMAN group at EUCAS 2017. Great job, thank you!

An important representation of SUMAN group assisted to the 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS 2017, held in the International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), hosted by CERN in collaboration with the University of Geneva and EPFL-SPC, and presented the work of the group.

Dr. Anna Palau give an invited entitled ” European progress toward Nanostructure engineering in coated conductors” at 4MO3 – Coated Conductor: Processing and Properties session.


Dr. Xavier Granados an oral communication entitled “Superconducting Medium Speed Synchronous Electrical Generator for 2MW Class Wind Mills” at 2LO2 – Rotating Machines and other Large Size Applications session.


Dr. Cornelia Pop an oral communication entitled ” Chemical solution deposition growth of low fluorine thick coated conductors of YBa₂Cu₃O₇ and YBa₂Cu₃O₇ nanocomposites with preformed BZO nanoparticles” at 4MO3 – Coated Conductor: Processing and Properties session.

The PhD student Laia Soler an oral communication entitled “Mechanisms of novel transient liquid assisted growth for ultrafast production of YBa₂Cu₃O7-x thin films” at 3MO3 – Cuprate Thin films session.

The PhD student Bernat Mundet an oral communication entitled “The challenging pinning landscape of YBa₂Cu₃O₇ thin films” at 1MO1 – Critical Current and Flux Pinning session.

And the group has also presnted the following posters:

  • “ReBCO coated conductors for the future circular hadron collider beam screen” by Dr. Joffre Gutierrez
  • “Physical Properties of Nanostructured, Liquid Assisted Grown, Epitaxial YBa₂Cu₃O₇-x Superconducting Films” by the PhD student Juri Banchewski
  • “YBa₂Cu₃O₇-x nanocomposite films by CSD-ultrafast Transient Liquid Assisted Growth” by the PhD student Júlia Jareño
  • “Thick YBa₂C₃O₇-x layers with ink jet printing single deposition” by the PhD student Bohores Villarejo
  • “Preparation of YBa₂Cu₃O₇ – BaMO (M=Zr, Hf) superconductor nanocomposite using colloidal solution with preformed nanoparticles” by the PhD student Ziliang Li
  • “Role of Oxygen exchange kinetics in the engineering of carrier concentration of YBa₂Cu₃O₇-δ films” by the PhD student Alex Stangl
  • “High growth rate of YBCO films by Transient Liquid Assisted Growth by oxygen partial pressure control” and “Eutectic temperature determination of the BaO-CuO-O system in
    bulk and in films” by the PhD student Silvia Rasi

Other collaborators presented results obtained in collaboration with the group:

  • “Dragging hysteresis forces in a linear displacer with Coated Conductor Stacks” poster by Prof. José López
  • “Magnetization of rectangular 2G HTS stacks and dragging forces developed inside a multipolar magnetic channel: trapped field, current distribution and forces” poster by Prof. Miquel Carrera

We want to thank to all SUMAN participants for the successful orals and posters! Congratulations, good job!


Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371