SUMAN group participation at ISS2021 international conference
One more year, our group have been very active participating at the 34th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2021), web-based online event from November 30 to December 2, disseminating the research work done at our group.
ISS symposium has a long history dating back to 1988. Since then, the series has continued as an annual event.
At 2021, it is celebrating its 34th edition and it was hosted by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Dr. Haruhiko Obara, ISS2021 General Chair, expressed that “it is great to see that innovative exciting presentations draw attention to students and professionals in the world of superconductivity even if we are physically separated“. In addition, he say that “we also wanted to take this opportunity to strengthen the relationship between industry and the academic world“.
The international conference organized plenary, invited and contributed talks from different speakers in different parallel virtual meeting rooms by Webex concerning these topics: Physics and Chemistry, Wires and Bulk, Electronic Devices and Large Scale Applications.
The name of SUMAN members and the title of their talks are the followings:
- Day 1, Nov 30:
- Guilherme Telles “A Hybrid REBaCuO-Cu Coating for the FCC’Beam Screen: Field Homogeneity and Surface Resistance Studies”
- Neil Lamas: “REBCO surface coating for enhanced cold dark matter detectors”
- Day 2, Dec 1:
- INVITED: Prof. Teresa Puig “Advances and Opportunities of TLAG for YBCO films and coated conductors”
- Lavinia Saltarelli : “Effect of liquid composition on superconducting properties of TLAG YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting films derived from fluorine-free solutions”
- Dr. Silvia Rasi: “Kinetic control of phase evolution and growth rates of Transient Liquid Assisted Growth of YBCO films”
- Dr. Roxana Vlad: “Transient Liquid Assisted Growth (TLAG-CSD) – a new methodology for cost effective Coated Conductors”
- Diana Garcia: “TLAG-CSD growth of YBa2Cu3O7-δ nanocomposite films using preformed BaMO3 and BaM2O6 nanoparticles”
- Dr. Kapil Gupta: “Microstructural Characteristics of High Current Density YBCO Superconducting Thin Films Grown by Ultrafast Transient Liquid Assisted Growth (TLAG)”
- Day 3, Dec 2:
- Jordi Alcala: “Tuning the electronic structure of High Temperature Superconducting films by field-induced oxygen diffusion”
- Dr. Albert Queraltó: “Exploring TLAG-CSD REBCO Superconductors Optimization by High-Throughput Experimentation and Machine Learning”
- Adrià Pacheco: “High temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x thick films by Inkjet Printing Technology”
- Aleix Barrera: “Tailored spin-textures in hibrid superconducting-ferromagnetic structures”