Welcome Irfan, a new PhD student at SUMAN group!

Irfan Ahmed from Pakistan has joined our group in the framework of a Severo Ochoa FPI grant 2021-call entitled “Superconducting Materials for Emerging Technologies”.

In his own words…

Hi! My name is Irfan Ahmed from Pakistan. I have just joined the Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructures (SUMAN) group at ICMAB as a PhD student. I will be working on high field superconductors for high energy applications.
In my free time, I enjoy playing badminton and exploring new places.
See you around!

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371 