9th July 2014: A national project about superconducting aerogenerators has been accepted.

The Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain has awarded the Retos-Colaboración 2014 project named “DISEÑO DE UNA NUEVA GENERACIÓN DE GENERADORES Y EQUIPOS AUXILIARES PARA ENERGÍA EÓLICA BASADOS EN SUPERCONDUCTORES” leaded by GAMESA INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, S.L  with a total amount of 853.592€ (256.092€ granted and 268.875€ loaned). Universidad de Zaragoza and us (SUMAN IP: Dr. Xavier Granados) participate as a partners and we will receive 176.315€ of grant for 4 years.

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371 