21st -25th April 2014: SUMAN group at MRS 2014 Spring Meeting in San Francisco

During the days between 21st -25th of April, Teresa Puig, Xavier Obradors, Jaume Gazquez and Albert Queraltó went to San Francisco (USA) to assist to the Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society.

Teresa Puig was co-organizer of Symposium T, chairman at sessions 1 and 15 of Symposium T and at Symposium J, presented an oral communication entitled “Resistive Switching Phenomena in Metallic Complex Functional Oxides” and “Chemical Solution Route to Self-Assembled Epitaxial Oxide Nanostructures” at Symposium RR.

Xavier Obradors was co-organizer of Symposium RR, chairman at session 6 of Symposium R and at Symposium T, presented an invented talk about “Advances in Coated Conductor Research in Europe”

Jaume Gazquez was chairman at session 2 of Symposium T and presented an invited talk entitled “In-Depth Characterization of the Challenging Microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-d Nanocomposites: The Origin, Evolution and Interaction of Structural Defects”. At Symposium DDD, he presented an oral communication about “Atomic-Scale Imaging of a Complex Point Defect: Origins and Control of O-Decorated Cu Vacancies in YBa2Cu3O7-x“.

At Symposium K, Albert Queraltó presented a poster about “Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Epitaxial Ce1-xGdxO2-y Nanostructures” and an oral communication entitled “Laser-Induced Crystallization of Functional Oxides Thin Films Grown from Chemical Solutions” at Symposium RR.










Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
+34 935 801 853 ext 371 