Guilherme Telles will defend his PhD thesis on Tue, 16 July 2024 at ICMAB
The PhD candidate Guillherme Telles from the SUMAN group at ICMAB-CSIC, will defend his PhD thesis on Tue, 16 July 2024 at ICMAB.
Hybrid Cu-HTS Coating for CERN’s Future Circular Collider Beam Screen
Date: Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Time: 11AM
Venue: Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC) – Sala d’Actes Carles Miravitlles // ONLINE (Register here:
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is the next generation particle accelerator proposed by CERN to answer lingering questions about the universe, such as matter-antimatter asymmetry and dark matter. In circular accelerators, a stainless-steel beam screen surrounds the beam orbit, protecting the superconducting magnets from synchrotron radiation. To maintain orbit stability, the beam screen is coated with a low impedance material that preserves field quality in the vacuum chamber. In this work, experimental techniques are developed to produce and analyse HTS coatings. In addition, a hybrid Cu-HTS coating for the FCC beam screen is studied in terms of its electromagnetic and thermomechanical performance by the means of finite elements analysis when exposed to the operating conditions of the FCC.
Dr. Joffre Gutiérrez
Dr. Xavier Granados
PhD comitee:
President: Dr. Massimo Giovannozzi, CERN, Switzerland
Secretary: Prof. Xavier Obradaors, ICMAB-CSIC, Spain
Vocal: Prof. Mervi Johanna Mantsinen, BSC-CNS, Spain
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
PhD Programme: Material Science