Author: Patricia Álvarez

11-15 May 2015: Posters of Juan Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo and Julia Jareño at 2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Lille, France

lillegrandpalais_web Title: Resistive Switching phenomena in metallic complex functional oxides Authors : J.C. Gonzalez-Rosillo, R. Ortega, J.Jareño, M.Coll, A. Palau, J. Suñé, X.Obradors ,T. Puig Title: Tuning the Metal-Insulating Transition of rare-earth Nickelate oxide epitaxial films grown from chemical solution methods for Resistive Switching applications J. Jareño, M. Coll, J.C. González-Rosillo, B. Mundet, J. Gazquez, M. Tristany, X. Obradors, T. Puig

10-15 May 2015: Oral presentation of Ferran Vallès and poster of Alexander Stangl at International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, VORTEX 2015, El Escorial, Madrid.

  DSC09645-1030x773 DSC09522-495x400   Title: Vortex Pinning and Dynamics studies in CSD YBCO Nanocomposites from Electric Transport Measurements Authors: F. Vallés,  A. Palau, V. Rouco, A. Stangl, P. Cayado, M. Coll, B. Mundet, J. Gazquez, Obradors X. and T. Puig Title: Critical Currents and oxygenation process of YBCO Films Grown by Chemical Solution Deposition Authors: A. Stangl, F. Vallés, P. Cayado, M. Coll, C. Pop, B. Villarejo, B. Mundet, J. Gazquez, A. Palau, Obradors X. and T. Puig

Resistive switching in CeO2/La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 bilayer for non-volatile memory applications

1-s2.0-S0167931715002543-fx1 R. Ortega-Hernandez, M. Coll, J. C. Gonzalez-Rosillo, A. Palau, X. Obradors, E. Miranda, T. Puig and J. Suñé Microelectronic Engineering, 147, 37-40 (2015) DOI:10.1016/j.mee.2015.04.042 The resistive switching of CeO2−x/La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 bilayer structures has been studied. First, the resistive switching (RS) characteristics of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSMO) and the CeO2−x layers are studied separately. Then, the bilayer characteristics are analyzed. It has been demonstrated that inserting a thin CeO2−x layer between the LSMO film and the metal electrodes deeply modifies the resistive switching characteristics. The metal–insulator transition of the LSMO layer results from the oxygen diffusion in and out of the film. These effects are enhanced through the introduction of the CeO2−x layer due to the fact it acts as an oxygen reservoir.

Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona ICMAB CSIC


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+34 935 801 853 ext 371